Free CRM Logiciel dans le Cloud

Gestion de la relation client

Hébergé chez Amazon AWS

Sécurisées et rapides partout dans le monde, vos données sont sécurisées et hébergées exclusivement chez Amazon AWS.


Ajoutez votre compte Google pour bénéficier d'encore plus de fonctionnalités CRM avec votre calendrier, vos contacts, Gmail, etc.

Intégration QuickBooks

Avec Cogmento CRM, vous pouvez vous intégrer directement à votre compte QuickBooks en ligne.

Whatsapp Entreprise

Vous pouvez ajouter votre compte professionnel WhatsApp pour profiter de la messagerie texte intégrée et des appels via WhatsApp.

Entreprise Facebook

Ajoutez Cogmento en tant que fonctionnalité dans Facebook pour une intégration facile entre vos comptes professionnels Facebook et le CRM Cogmento.


Suivez tout et tweetez, planifiez et intégrez des campagnes alimentées par CRM avec Twitter à l'aide de notre intégration CRM.


L'application Cogmento CRM est disponible dans l'App Store Android pour votre téléphone ou votre tablette ; le CRM fonctionne éventuellement avec votre calendrier, vos contacts, etc.

Apple iOS

Obtenez l'application Cogmento CRM dans l'App Store d'Apple et obtenez vos données en déplacement et sur iPad ou n'importe quel iPhone.


Nous fournissons une interface vers Zapier ainsi qu'une API REST pour les intégrations.

Lancez vos ventes avec le CRM
Augmenter les revenus et les bénéfices

Développez chaque partie de votre entreprise, surveillez et gérez tout, des pistes de vente aux tickets d'assistance, et du marketing de canal aux campagnes par e-mail, le tout depuis n'importe quel ordinateur de bureau ou appareil à l'aide de notre logiciel basé sur le cloud. Nous avons tout ce dont vous avez besoin pour organiser, suivre et nourrir vos prospects et clients. Un logiciel CRM gratuit automatise les tâches que les vendeurs n'aiment pas et facilite la tâche de tous. La meilleure façon de démarrer avec la technologie CRM est de vous inscrire et de la tester sur certaines de vos données dès maintenant.

Le logiciel cloud CRM gratuit a complètement transformé la façon dont nous gérons notre clientèle et nos partenaires.
S'inscrire maintenant
Cloud Companies & Contacts

Import data from a CSV or EXCEL file or enter your contacts and leads. You can customize the CRM system easily for any business by adding as many custom fields as possible. Contacts are people in the CRM system - customers, vendors, organization members - any people you want to keep track of and all of your activities in our simple CRM. If you are making business-to-consumer sales in products or services, you will probably spend all of your time working in the Contacts section. Group your contacts into relationships with companies, which can be any organization and helps in B2B and can also help manage other kinds of relationships.

Contact management with a real-time, 360-degree view. lets your team automatically share and report on contact- and customer-related activities, tasks, and calendar events in real time. Everyone automatically gets a complete and current picture of all customer records— no painful and unreliable synchronization is required. This capability puts in a class: client management software tools can't match its complete customer view or easy team collaboration. With information-rich contact management profiles that are always available, accessible, and up to date, delivers benefits that conventional software lacks: Complete management visibility into contact and customer histories. Higher productivity. Better and faster collaboration. Minimal chance of leads falling through the cracks. Fewer manual processes; less reliance on paper and spreadsheets.

Dashboard & Sales Pipeline

Our deal tracking tool and sales pipeline dashboard give you a comprehensive view of your sales activities. Know where every customer is in the sales cycle, deal size, contact history, and competitor information to help craft more effective CRM messaging. Reports & Dashboards provide an easy, accurate read of everything happening.

The CRM Dashboard is customizable and configurable so that you can see all of your important tasks, events, meetings, and more in real time on the main home page of the system. When you log on, the dashboard provides a customizable view of your sales lead and customer service information, marketing, and more. You can customize the CRM dashboard to include email campaigns, schedule views, task views, and your call list.

Marketing Campaigns

You can develop targeted marketing campaigns based on customer profiles and history. Execute email campaigns around time-sensitive promotions and opportunities with unlimited email. Track marketing in real-time, focus, and improve the quality of your lead generation. Print, SMS, calling, and email campaigns are all included. Utilize our Promotions feature to track loyalty and give customers benefits.

Task & Event Tracking

Tracking tasks, issues, and sales give you complete visibility into the time you and your team members spend on any deal or Issue. Bringing work items into Free CRM enables teams to close deals and issues better. Management gets the visibility they need into quality, satisfaction, and responsiveness, and your group is more organized, closing business and managing customer support from beginning to end.

Deals & Sales Pipeline

Our deal tracking tool and sales pipeline dashboard give you a comprehensive view of all your sales activities. Know where every customer is in the sales cycle, deal size, contact history, and competitor information to help craft more effective CRM messaging. Reports & Dashboards provide an easy, accurate read of everything happening.

Calls & Voice

Free CRM has robust call tracking, call scheduling, and automation features that set it apart. Most other CRM systems do not have powerful call scripting, follow-up, scheduling, and reporting with detailed call center features.

Print & SMS Texting

Free CRM supports direct mail and mail merge campaigns using our advanced Microsoft Word integration, which lets you create custom Word templates and then do mass mailings or direct mail campaigns using the data in the CRM that gets merged with your Word templates. Want to extend your campaigns to SMS, or do you need to send out messages to groups using SMS? It's easy with Free CRM with SMS marketing campaign options.

Alerts & Reminders

Free CRM can alert you to upcoming meetings and events via email, SMS, or screen pop-ups. You can set alerts in many different ways using different action rules, such as when new data is entered, edited, or deleted; your team members can get instant alerts and updates from the CRM. Using our rules-based alerts system can keep managers and salespeople abreast of the latest happenings in the CRM system. Other powerful alerts and reminders, such as task ticklers or calendar reminders, can alert you, the team, and even external contacts with the latest information.


Forms are questionnaires and answer surveys and can also be call scripts where data can be explained and inputted by your sales or support staff. You can also distribute the forms to clients through a URL to a webpage to get customer feedback. Form and survey creation is natural with our form builder, creating "Wizard Forms" - multi-page forms that are easy to follow and complete.

Import & Export

Free CRM can import and export data like any other program, so whether you use Excel or have an old ACT database to convert, it is easy to use our simple Importing feature to bring in your new information. Are you doing something complex, like importing custom relational data like It's easy to migrate even enterprise systems; Free CRM can handle more than just importing your old Excel worksheets. Of course, you can export anytime from Free CRM; merely designate the kind of file format and delimiter or your file parameters.


Our reporting features allow you to gauge the effectiveness of your software solution and how well your sales staff is completing the sales cycle. You can also run reports that track system use for each of your team members, allowing you to see where additional training is needed or extra customization in the application so that your team can use the tool more efficiently and smoothly as it pertains to your regular business operation.

Backup & Security

Free CRM lets you export data anytime, and you can get a complete snapshot of all your data anytime. Professional edition customers also have the 1-click convenience of a full backup function, which zips up all the data in your CRM in one easy file. We also have a 1-click backup feature for the document repository, so all your essential files and documents can be downloaded and backed up in one easy step. Free CRM also utilizes industry-standard military-grade 128-bit SSL encryption and has the world's most secure data centers.

Mobile iOS & Android

Free CRM works great on phones and tablets straight out of the box, but we recommend downloading the Free CRM Apps. All you need to do is fire up your App Store and find Cogmento. Free CRM works great on tablets, too. Make it easy by adding a mobile phone bookmark or shortcut, and you can always access the CRM from anywhere on any device.

Group Calendar

A free CRM group calendar is a great way to manage and see your schedule and your employees' daily, weekly, and monthly scheduled activities and customer meetings, calls, and everything else. You can track upcoming events, set reminders, create tasks and enter notes, attach files to calendar activities, associate calendar entries with one or more contacts, and assign tasks to one or more co-workers.

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Clients CRM gratuits

Solution parfaite pour tous vos
Logiciel de CRM

Examinez de plus près ce qu'est le CRM et comment il aide à trouver, gagner et fidéliser des clients. Gérez votre pipeline de ventes et accélérez votre délai de clôture avec Free CRM. Les interactions suivies dans le CRM vous donnent une vue d'ensemble et les offres sont affichées sur le tableau de bord pour une visibilité totale sur les progrès et les obstacles de chacun. Une sécurité de niveau entreprise et une assistance continue pour vous aider à vous développer. Les petites entreprises peuvent se développer plus rapidement avec tous les outils pour remplir le pipeline des ventes grâce à un marketing plus intelligent, une productivité des ventes améliorée et un service client.
